Articles by David Roberts
David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.
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Superman, Obama, and limits on power
As Obama prepares to give a major climate speech on Tuesday, remember: He isn’t Superman.
Germany takes the first step toward a supergrid
Germany is moving to build a "supergrid" that can carry renewable energy long distances. Will the U.S. catch up? Will the world?
Can a music festival be sustainable? Pickathon is finding out
A little music festival in Oregon has ditched single-use plates and cups, put up solar panels, and encouraged its audience to come by bus and bike. Can a giant party in the woods get greener, make enough money to survive, and stay fun?
Hug life: Sometimes activists need to retreat, recharge, and embrace the “woo”
Those working for social change face constant uphill struggle. They need recharging. Up in British Columbia, a place called Hollyhock is devoted to that purpose.