Articles by David Roberts
David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.
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How the White House watered down rules on coal-plant water pollution
In 2009, EPA sent some tough regulations on water pollution from coal waste to the White House for review. They were subsequently (and substantially) weakened. A new report reveals what happened.
Is humanity smarter than a protozoan?
New work on the Genuine Progress Indicator shows that global GDP is increasing, but global economic welfare no longer is. Can our species stop expanding before it hits limits?
Why coal has a hit on “America’s Got Talent”
A Kentucky boy has hit big on "America's Got Talent" with a song called "Coal Keeps the Lights On." Why does coal mining continue to wield such resonant power in U.S. culture?
Conservatives seek alternatives to climate denialism, come up short
Some conservatives are budging a bit on climate, despite fierce resistance from their base. But they've got a long way to go before they've really internalized the problem and its implications for their ideology.