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Articles by David Jenkins

David Jenkins is Vice President for Government and Political Affairs for Republicans for Environmental Protection.

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Despite passage of the Waxman-Markey climate bill out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, this year’s effort to pass climate change legislation could easily succumb to the same kind of partisan political games and failed leadership that killed the Lieberman-Warner bill last year.

Much of the blame for this troubling prospect rests with Republican leaders who chose to politicize the effort right out of the gate with “cap-and-tax” demagoguery rather than work constructively to tackle the climate change problem.

The tactic has succeeded in creating a politically charged atmosphere that exploits nervousness about the economy and undermines political will—not exactly the best environment for crafting bold, forward-thinking public policy.

The Republicans who are responsible for this, which include House Minority Leader John Boehner (OH-8) and ranking Energy and Commerce Committee member Joe Barton (TX-6), are abdicating their conservative duty to be responsible stewards. They are also doing a great disservice to their more thoughtful GOP colleagues and the party in general.

Barton’s failed leadership was on display duri... Read more