Articles by David Helvarg
David Helvarg is an author and president of the Blue Frontier Campaign, a marine conservation group. His last book, Rescue Warriors: The U.S. Coast Guard, America's Forgotten Heroes has just been released in paperback. His new book is Saved by the Sea: A Love Story with Fish.
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Is the U.S. prepared for a major oil spill in its waters?
In the wake of November’s massive oil spill off the coast of Spain that continues to despoil hundreds of miles of undeveloped shoreline, disrupt vast fisheries, and jeopardize the livelihoods […]
Everything's changed, including zero-down financing
Hey fellow Americans, now that bio-terrorism, federalized airport security, and military star-chambers are becoming a reality, what do you plan to do? Me, I’m going to Disneyland. Okay, maybe not […]
An excerpt from Blue Frontier
Predictable but unreported impacts from this spring's flooding on the Mississippi River will be an expanded dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico, more southern beach closures, and more dying coral in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
Industrious endeavors in the former Soviet empire
America’s market-based solutions to environmental problems tend to look a lot like something you might have seen in an old Soviet propaganda film. Real Soviet propaganda. Take emissions trading. Under […]