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Articles by Darcy Smith

Canadian writer-turned-urban farmer Darcy Smith is as passionate about plants as she is about words. Her work has appeared in Vancouver magazine and Montecristo. As managing editor of The Block magazine, she is lucky enough to interview rising stars in art and fashion, but her heart lies on the land.

Featured Article

Sara Dent

Think you don’t regret all those high school afternoons wasted at the mall or the skate park? Just wait till you meet Sophia Vartanian, a Vancouver, B.C.-based urban farmer. At 16 years old, her resume is already more impressive than some twice her age. On the day we spoke, she was busy wrestling a solar panel project into fruition, laying the groundwork for a farm at her high school, and gearing up to deliver a TEDxKids B.C. talk titled “Don’t Eat Your Farmer.”

Vartanian gave me a tour of her high school — or rather, her high school lawn, which currently houses a few sparsely planted raised beds. The sunflowers and radishes had gone to seed, and although it was a valiant effort at community gardening, it was also a far cry from the full-fledged farm she has planned. She envisions a closed-loop system complete with compost, grey water reclamation, and rainwater collection — and, of course, lots of vegetables. “We want chickens and goats too; that’s the ideal,” she adds.

Vartanian intends that the farm become “a part of the school’s fabric, something that grows along with the whole c... Read more