Articles by Coby Beck
Former musician, turned tree planter, turned software engineer. Same old story... I have been blogging about climate change since 2006 at A Few Things Ill Considered.
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Is the IPCC so wrong their theories contradict a basic laws of physics?
(Part of the How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic guide) Objection: The so called “Greenhouse Effect” which is the underpinning of the entire theory of anthropogenic global warming claims […]
In 2008, did temperatures drop as much as they rose over the whole 20th century?
(Part of the How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic guide) Objection: Temperatures plummeted over the last year (2007-2008). If you look at this data from the Met Office […]
Articles about climate skeptics
Even while rejecting the authority of the most comprehensive and reviewed scientific document on any subject, namely the IPCC report, one of the most common climate delusionist tactics is the argument from authority. Whether it is Alexander Cockburn responding to George Monbiot or some anonymous person on some blog, everyone has some personal "scientist" friend who assures them the rest of the world has gone mad.
When an argument from authority is invoked it is perfectly legitimate to then examine said authority's, um ... authority, to see if there is really a good reason we should take their word over the word of ... well, just about everybody who would know.
Real Climate tears apart another fraudulent presentation from E. G. Beck
Over at RealClimate today, they present and debunk another fraudulent reconstruction from German school-teacher-plays-skeptic-scientist E. G. Beck. First it was his groundbreaking (as in stick your head in the sand) work on CO2; now he turns his attention to temperature reconstructions for the past millennium.
When bad science still doesn't get the result you want, why not spice it up with a bit of plain and simple fraud?