Articles by Coby Beck
Former musician, turned tree planter, turned software engineer. Same old story... I have been blogging about climate change since 2006 at A Few Things Ill Considered.
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‘Aerosols should mean more warming in the south’–More North. Hemisphere warming is well-understood
(Part of the How to Talk to a Global Warming Skeptic guide)
Objection: Scientists claim that global warming from greenhouse gases is being countered somewhat by global dimming from aerosol pollution. They even claim that aerosol pollution caused the cooling in the mid-century. But GHGs are evenly mixed around the globe, while aerosols are disproportionately concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere. It follows that warming should be greater in the Southern Hemisphere -- but that's the opposite of what is happening. Clearly climate scientists do not know what is really going on.
‘Climate models are unproven’–Actually, GCM’s have many confirmed successes under their belts
(Part of the How to Talk to a Global Warming Skeptic guide)
Objection: Why should we trust a bunch of contrived computer models that have never had a prediction confirmed? Talk to me in 100 years.
Answer: Given the absence of a few duplicate planets and some large time machines, we can't test a 100-year temperature projection. Does that mean the models can't be validated without waiting 100 years? No.
‘Models don’t account for clouds’–Clouds are complex and uncertain, but unlikely to stop warming
(Part of the How to Talk to a Global Warming Skeptic guide)
Objection: Clouds are a large negative feedback that will stop any drastic warming. The climate models don't even take cloud effects into account.
Answer: All of the atmospheric global climate models used for the kind of climate projections synthesized by the IPCC take the effects of clouds into account. You can read a discussion about cloud processes and feedbacks in the IPCC TAR.
‘Peiser refuted Oreskes’–In a poor piece of work that has been retracted by its author
(Part of the How to Talk to a Global Warming Skeptic guide)
Objection: Sure, Oreskes found no one bucking the consensus, but her paper was refuted by Benny Peiser, who did the exact same survey and found very different results.
Answer: True, Benny Peiser did attempt a similar study and submitted it as a letter to Science responding to the Oreskes study. But for very good reasons, it was not published.
Peiser claimed to find 34 articles in his "reject or doubt the consensus view" category. That's 3 percent of the total, so even taken at face value it doesn't cast much doubt on the consensus. But it is greater than the 0 percent Oreskes found, and serves as ammunition for the "there is no consensus" crowd.