Articles by Climate Central
Climate Central is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is comprised of journalists and climate scientists dedicated to communicating accurate and compelling climate science information.
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Climate change has made New Yorkers more vulnerable to Irene
A new map shows that climate change-related sea-level rise has boosted the number of people living in areas vulnerable to storm-surge flooding from Hurricane Irene.
The (b)low-down on wind [VIDEO]
You know that saying about March coming in like a lion? If the roar refers to the wind, the saying holds true. Hang onto your hats as we enter the […]
What is a 'normal' climate? Definitions are changing [VIDEO]
Climate Central's Heidi Cullen explains how "normals" for our climate during the past decade will very likely change soon.
Top five climate and weather events of 2010 [VIDEO]
Climate Central's Heidi Cullen counts down the five biggest climate and weather related events of 2010.