Articles by Clark Williams-Derry
Clark Williams-Derry is research director for the Seattle-based Sightline Institute, a nonprofit sustainability think tank working to promote smart solutions for the Pacific Northwest. He was formerly the webmaster for Grist.
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Of car crashes and Snickers bars
As my high school physics teacher once explained to me, energy comes in all sorts of different forms: heat, light, motion, electricity, and even the “potential” energy in chemical bonds […]
Coal the culprit in rising emissions intensity
I wrote last week about a curious fact: even though total CO2 emissions from the US electric power sector have dropped during the recession, the emissions intensity of the US […]
Power plant performance down in 2008
Here’s an interesting followup to last week’s post about about the uncertain links between recession and long-term climate change: Shakeb Afsah at Climate Data Due Diligence wrote to tell us […]
“Peak” gas in 2007?
The Wall Street Journal reports that an increasing number of energy analysts think that U.S. gasoline sales will never surpass their 2007 record: Among those who say U.S. consumption of […]