Articles by Claire Thompson
Claire Thompson used to be Grist's editorial assistant. After disappearing into the wild for a while, she is now attempting to reenter society.
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Michigan’s gangsta gardener gets off [VIDEO]
Julie Bass of Oak Park, Mich. no longer faces jail time for having a vegetable garden in her front yard.
Mark Ruffalo on fracking: ‘Gas is a bridge to nowhere’ [VIDEO]
The actor, activist, and frack-fighter spoke with Keith Olbermann Wednesday about how the gas industry is "the dirtiest, slimiest, most arrogant, and negligent that you can imagine."
Who's down with (more) MPG?
The Pew Clean Energy Program and other environmental groups are calling on Obama to raise fuel efficiency standards in the auto industry to 60 MPG.
Bringin' crazy Bach
Michele Bachmann is officially running for president. Here's more proof that she's still officially crazy.