Articles by Christopher Mims
Christopher Mims's dystopian non-fiction is sought after by an ever-growing roster of publications.
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World’s dollar menu will now cost $1.50
Image: Bloomberg TV USFood is more expensive than ever, says the U.N. We’re talking revolutions in the Middle East, food riots on The Glenn Beck Show-level expensive. Globally, food prices […]
All I need to know about Congress’ phony deficit reduction debate I learned from this comment
House speaker John Boehner telling the press he plans to cut $100 billion in discretionary spending from the Federal budgetPhoto: Speaker John Boehner The spending bill wending its way through […]
Current Arkansas earthquakes weak sauce compared to potential fracking-caused ‘Big One’
Photo: Martin LuffI don’t mean to alarm you, but the 4.7 magnitude temblors felt last Sunday in Arkansas, part of a recent “swarm” of earthquakes in the area, could be […]
Pittsburgh’s drinking water is radioactive, thanks to fracking. Only question is, how much?
The drinking water of tens of millions of Pennsylvanians is threatened by natural-gas fracking — including the 2.3 million who live in Pittsburgh.Photo: Via Tsuji Residents of Pittsburgh — as […]