Articles by Christopher Mims
Christopher Mims's dystopian non-fiction is sought after by an ever-growing roster of publications.
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No one can agree whether or not Cali is due for a Japan-style shakedown
Submitted without comment: Special report: Big California quake likely to devastate state ReutersJapan-style earthquake and tsunami unlikely to hit Southern California, experts say Los Angeles Times
If Rush Limbaugh’s heart fell out of his chest and into a bowl of raisins, you wouldn’t spot it
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.1011853&w=620&h=511&] Rush Limbaugh is laughing at Japan’s earthquake refugees. “They’ve given us the Prius. Even now, refugees are recycling their garbage.” Here, he began to laugh, continuing, “and yet, […]
Japan’s tsunami gets the Pixar treatment in realistic animation
This reporter didn’t really appreciate how a “subduction zone earthquake” of the kind that afflicted Japan causes a tsunami, until he watched CGI-ish animation of one in progress. Watch out […]
Nervous China to break up with nuclear, run back to coal
China is suspending its development of nuclear power plants amid rising public anxiety. As the country’s economy develops rapidly, nuclear power had been seen as key to answering the need […]