Articles by Christopher Mims
Christopher Mims's dystopian non-fiction is sought after by an ever-growing roster of publications.
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Peak Oil, not Libya, is the reason you’re paying more at the pump
The further into the post-carbon age we grind, the more mainstream the notion of peak oil becomes. Long derided because it runs contrary to the only two things more American […]
Is Obama’s weak-sauce energy policy just savvy political Kung-Fu?
For the next couple of years, Obama is playing defense on climate change, and that could explain the fairly tame energy policy he announced yesterday, says Ezra Klein of The […]
Senator from Louisiana wants to drill for oil in Alaska
David Vitter (R-La.) has 28 cosponsors on a bill in the Senate that would block EPA climate regulations (par for the course), expand offshore oil exploration (how soon we forget), […]
Watch a Robot swap out batteries from this electric vehicle [VIDEO]
Electric cars are the only kind that anyone will be able to afford after we run the eff out of oil, but charging them is a pain. Better Place has […]