Articles by Chris Schults
Web Developer for PCC Natural Markets
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Rebranding “global warming”
As reported in the most recent Daily Grist, a New York-based marketing firm announced that it will help with the rebranding of global warming. As we're all armchair marketers from time-to-time, how would you rebrand "global warming"?
Share your thoughts in comments and we'll send them to the experts.
Media Shower: Fair trade, and not so fair trade
Last weekend I attended the Hazel Wolf Environmental Film festival in Leavenworth, WA, where 50 films were screened. As a board member and workshop presenter, I didn't get to see all the films I would have liked, but I was fortunate enough to see two of the headliners.
The Meatrix II: Now playing at a website near you
Ladies and gentleman. Boys and girls. The Meatrix II: Revolting is finally here. Help Leo, Moopheus, and Chickity fight factory farms. -
The Daily Grist Headline Battle Royale: Match 5
Sorry folks. As I had to leave early on Friday, I didn't get a chance to post last week's nominees. I thought one of my colleagues would pick up the ball, but they are obviously completely undependable.
As usual, before we get to the current list of nominees, our first order of business is to announce the winner of battle royale número cuatro ... "Flame! I Wanna Log Forever" with 33% of 117(!) votes. Thanks to all the newbies who participated!
Now, here are this week's nominees:
- Papua Goes After the Weasel: Indonesia to Freeport: Clean up mining operations or we'll sue
- They Got Seoul But They're Not Eco-Soldiers: South Korean Supreme Court rules in favor of eco-damaging seawall
- Do You CEO What I CEO?: American firms lag on addressing climate-change risks, study finds
- Freeport Your Mine, and Unrest Will Follow: Mining companies dig up trouble in Indonesia
- If At First You Don't Succeed, Tritium Again: Illinois nuke-plant operator sued for tritium spills it tried to hide
For those of you paying attention, you may have discovered that each Daily Grist of the previous week is represented. I bring this up as choosing one from Tuesday was particularly difficult as they were all good. Kudos to my colleagues. While you may be unreliable, you sure can be witty.
Okay, voting time!