Articles by Chris Schults
Web Developer for PCC Natural Markets
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SOL: Sustaining Ourselves Locally
According to the Current TV Studio blog, SOL, a viewer-contributed piece about a sustainable development project in Oakland, will be airing on TV.
I think this is a good example of how people like you, armed with a camera and a passion, can produce a short film that could potentially reach 28 million homes (according to a company press release [PDF]).
Here's the synopsis on Current:
This is specifically a piece on an urban sustainable development project in Oakland that consists of 9 people working together to do community environment work. Amazing project that focuses on everything from compost and farming to food justice.
A broadband TV channel for environmental films
Environmental media is blooming on the internets these days. The folks over at Treehugger are keeping on schedule by pumping out a new video each week. The latest piece is on organic and biodynamic wines.
Along the same lines, I discovered that Daryl Hannah has launched a weekly video blog called dh love life, where she'll cover issues like biodiesel to green building.
And late this week I got word of (a domain I wish I grabbed myself):
Now playing: dh love life
Move over Current TV, lookout Treehugger TV ... here comes Daryl TV! Actually, that's dh love life, Daryl Hannah's weekly video blog, which covers a range of green topics.
Now playing is a piece on vegan junkfood. Previous episodes covered biodiesel and a natural products expo. Upcoming episodes will feature green building and a skater/farmer (organic I presume).
I'm hooked.
(Via TH)
The Daily Grist Headline Battle Royale: Match 7
Ladies and gentleman, we have a tie! Last week, both "Tiiiiiime Is on Our Side, Yes It Is" and "Bait and Switchgrass" garnered 34% of the vote (until some smart aleck casts another).
Here are the next batch of nominees:
- Guster's Last Stand: The barnstorming band that's changing the world, one campus at a time
- Enthuse Your Curbism: Two new nature books for city slickers
- Good Mennonite, and Good Luck: Discovery of oil in Belize leads to craziness all around
- Waddle They Do Now?: Global warming also affects -- noooooooo! -- penguins
- We've Got Poll, and We're Super Bad: Polls find Americans worried about energy and climate problems