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Articles by Britt Lundgren

Britt Lundgren is an agricultural policy fellow at Environmental Defense Fund.

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Although recent reports indicate that the new farm bill will provide a $4 billion increase for voluntary farmer conservation programs, there’s more to the conservation policies in the bill than just money. Recent attempts by the conference committee to dramatically weaken the new Sodsaver provision are just one example of the one-step-forward, two-steps-backward approach to conservation the farm bill conference seems to be taking.

The Sodsaver provision was designed to help limit the incentive that subsidy and disaster payments create for farmers to bring new, often environmentally fragile, land into production. The House and Senate versions of the farm bill both contained this new provision, which would have prohibited crop insurance and non-insured disaster payments for production losses to producers in any state who plowed up native grasslands in order to plant crops. This would have also prevented these farmers from receiving regular disaster payments, because farmers must first have crop insurance in order to be eligible for disaster payments.

Unfortunately, the farm bill conference committee is well on its way to ensuring that Sods... Read more