Articles by Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson is the political director of Climate Hawks Vote.
All Articles
Half of GOP caucus are climate zombies, four members admit science is real
45 of 97 Republican freshmen and 85 of 166 re-elected Republicans are confirmed climate zombies.
Ignoring evidence, Politico spins climate vote as electoral loser
Democrats who voted against clean energy were more than three times as likely to lose their seats than those who voted for it
Climate hawks make global warming denial into campaign issue
A few Democrats have fought back against the Tea Party anti-science wave, making the argument that people who choose oil propaganda over scientific fact might not be the best leaders for this nation.
Colorado climate scientists tell Ken Buck: Global warming is not a 'hoax'
Colorado's climate scientists dismissed claims made by the state's Republican candidate for the US Senate, Ken Buck, that global warming is a hoax.