Articles by Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson is the political director of Climate Hawks Vote.
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Obama gets a little climate hawkish: ‘Carbon pollution’ is contributing to ‘climate change’
Cross-posted from the Wonk Room. In his 2011 State of the Union address, President Barack Obama emphasized his commitment to transforming America’s energy policy, with initiatives to move our nation […]
Tea Party-backing Koch Industries is major carbon polluter
Here is an estimate of the carbon footprint of the Kochs, based on the pollution generated by its activities and from the use of its products.
In profound denial, Chamber of Commerce lectures on 'energy reality'
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce dug further into global warming denial, attacking Barack Obama's State of the Union and clean energy goals.
Chevron, under pressure for destruction of Amazon, was top oil lobbyist last quarter
Chevron, responsible for a multi-billion-dollar environmental disaster in Ecuador, is instead spending millions to shore up Senate political support.