Articles by Bill McKibben
Bill McKibben is Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies at Middlebury College, and a founder of He is a member of Grist’s board of directors.
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Climate hawks can draw inspiration from the Egyptians
Now they’ve got another reason to cheer.Photo: We rejoice with our brothers and sisters in Egypt at the news that Hosni Mubarak has resigned. Egypt has been a big […]
Crazy storms highlight the crazy climate mess we’re in
A hard snow’s a-gonna fall.Photo: 350.orgIf you were in the space shuttle looking down yesterday, you would have seen a pair of truly awesome, even fearful, sights. Much of North […]
Hey, Obama: You can't bargain with the climate
There's one place where Barack Obama's reasonable compromises simply won't work. That place is the climate.
350 EARTH pulls off world's biggest art project [PHOTOS & VIDEO]
Here?s a behind-the-scenes look at the biggest art project the planet has ever seen -- so big that in some places we needed to back up into outer space for enough perspective.