Articles by Ben Adler
Ben Adler covers environmental policy and politics for Grist, with a focus on climate change, energy, and cities. When he isn't contemplating the world's end, he also writes about architecture and media. You can follow him on Twitter.
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Democrats are getting greener and Republicans are getting dirtier
Increasing partisan polarization is driving the two major parties farther apart on environmental policy. Example A: the wind energy tax credit.
Obama calls out climate deniers, asks young people to force climate change issue
"I want to light a fire under you," the president told graduates during a commencement speech at the University of California-Irvine.
Why liberals like walkability more than conservatives
New poll data shows that Democrats and Republicans are deeply divided when it comes to urban density versus suburban sprawl.
Will EPA’s power plant regulations be stopped in the courts?
Here are five legal weak points that opponents will attack with lawsuits.