Articles by Ben Adler
Ben Adler covers environmental policy and politics for Grist, with a focus on climate change, energy, and cities. When he isn't contemplating the world's end, he also writes about architecture and media. You can follow him on Twitter.
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Will falling gas prices be bad for the climate?
Lower prices could have two negative effects: more gasoline burning and less investment in cleaner alternatives and technologies.
Are enviros smart to back Republican Susan Collins?
The Democrat in the Maine Senate race is the greener candidate, but environmental groups are still supporting Collins.
Attack ads from green groups feature the Kochs as much as the climate
Watch some of the ads that hit Republican candidates for being beholden to wealthy polluters.
These conservatives make the case for vibrant cities. Most of their friends ignore them.
A few conservative intellectuals are speaking out against sprawl, and for denser "new urbanist" development. Sadly, their arguments will never gain traction.