Articles by Ben Adler
Ben Adler covers environmental policy and politics for Grist, with a focus on climate change, energy, and cities. When he isn't contemplating the world's end, he also writes about architecture and media. You can follow him on Twitter.
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Enviros threaten to sit out election over Keystone. Don’t believe them.
Green activists tend to be engaged and educated people who also care about gay rights, abortion rights, and other issues that might compel them to the polls.
Good news: Most Americans want climate action. Now for the bad news …
Clear majorities are concerned about climate change and favor action to mitigate it, a new poll finds. But Republican politicians just don't care.
What kind of a U.N. envoy will Mike Bloomberg be?
New York's ex-mayor will travel the globe as U.N. special envoy on cities and climate change. Can a billionaire credibly address global inequality?
Waxman poetic: Climate hawk leaves an impressive ‘stache of green achievements
Congress loses one of its biggest environmental crusaders in Rep. Henry Waxman, who transcended coauthorship of cap-and-trade to earn the nickname "The Mustache of Justice."