Articles by Ashley Braun
Ashley Braun is Grist's News Producer and (unofficially) its Official Puntificator. She's also a science nerd, a lazy runner, an organic container gardener, and an accidental "expert" on topics like cross-country relationships and social media.
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Grocery stores try setting up fake farmers markets
Farmers markets have got a good thing growing. Unfortunately, copycats have been cropping up as they try to get their paws on the green that comes with that success.
Your meat is too big — try this worm instead
Americans have issues with meat. But maybe we wouldn't have so many problems if we started to favor the flavor of the small -- and wiggly. Would you make a meal of worms?
Shell serves up a tasty crude oil 'salad'
Now I like a good vinaigrette, but this old Shell ad is a little too heavy on the oil for me. Petrole-yum?
Booze in bulk with self-serve wine dispensers
If the French don't look down their noses at the unbottled joys of bulk wine, why can't we? Waste not and wine a lot!