Articles by Anna Fahey
Anna Fahey is a senior communications strategist at Sightline Institute, a Seattle-based research and communications center working on sustainable solutions for the Pacific NW.
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Heated debate: public opinion on climate and weather
Polls show that most Americans think we should be addressing the problem of climate change somehow, regardless of whether they believe it's man-made.
The new abnormal: look who's talking about climate and weird weather
Journalists, experts, and The Onion offer different approaches to the conversation about connections between climate change and extreme weather.
Talking about the weather, post chitchat
The weather isn't a boring topic of conversation, and talking about the link between extreme weather and climate change takes on new significance.
What ‘The Simpsons’ could teach us about global warming
Are climate scientists the Milhouses of America?Cross-posted from Sightline’s Daily Score blog. I encourage you to check out a downright awesome analysis of the treatment of global warming on The […]