Articles by Adam Browning
Adam Browning is the executive director of Vote Solar.
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Dispatch from San Francisco
I saw Barack Obama speak in San Francisco this weekend.
In his standard stump speech (I assume, anyway), he spoke for 45 minutes, without notes, with passion. As he wryly noted, he's very articulate.
Healthcare and education were the themes he stressed the most. He spoke starkly of the need to confront climate change, and referenced briefly the opportunities and benefits of investing in "alternative technologies." That said, I didn't get the sense that it is an animating passion of his.
This election cycle, people want to fall in love. And on that front at least, he's got the goods. A personable, warm, and impressive man.
Cap-and-trade has ugly local effects
Because there is always a short end of the cap-and-trade stick, the concern about concentrating emissions is not theoretical:
Kids these days
Seriously. These guys recharge their electric mowers with solar panels on top of their vans.
Crazy kids. What will they come up with next?