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Articles by Adam Browning

Adam Browning is the executive director of Vote Solar.

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  • It’s popular even in Texas

    I take issue with one-issue voters, mostly because I think one-issue candidates make terrible legislators.

    But that said, I wouldn't do what I do if didn't believe that transitioning to a renewable energy economy is a critical, keystone challenge facing our country, with profound implications for our future.

    And I'm not the only one. I don't think politicians properly appreciate how popular renewable energy is. Take this recent poll (PDF) from Texas, the heart of oil country. Eighty-four percent of Texans said they want the state to invest in solar -- that's broad support. And 81 percent are willing to pay for it -- that speaks to the depth. In the next few weeks we will be seeing some similar numbers out of Arizona and Florida. Both are swing states with bitter partisan divides -- and people unite around one thing: solar. It's a wise politician who hitches her/his wagon to renewable energy's star.

  • You can help

    If you live in Maryland and you care about solar energy, well, you are in luck. We've got an opportunity for you to make a difference.

    Today, a huge solar bill passed out of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Economic Committee in the Maryland legislature. It now faces a floor vote. You can help it become reality.

    HB 1016/SB 595 would amend the state's renewable portfolio standard to add a 1,800 MW solar program. That would put it in the top tier of solar states, and go a long way towards jumpstarting the solar industry. It's a game changer.

    Read about it and take action here.

  • Gore and Inhofe, mano-a-wacko

    If you thought today's fireworks were entertaining, wait for Wednesday. Gore will address the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

    Gore and Inhofe, mano-a-mano. Or, more accurately, mano-a-wacko.

    Pass the popcorn.