Articles by Adam Browning
Adam Browning is the executive director of Vote Solar.
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Missourians to vote on renewable energy ballot initiative in November
Renewable things are happening in the heartland. Ohio passed a renewable portfolio standard in the spring, and Michigan did the same a few weeks ago. Renewable activists in Missouri recently […]
Taking the red tape out of green power
Adam Stein predicts that the financial meltdown will cool the ardor for carbon legislation, and I agree. But that doesn’t mean that policymakers will throw up their hands. Here are […]
It’s like social activism, only artier
Friday is PARK(ing) day, and you are cordially invited, via this DIY kit [PDF], to join the fun.
Maroon 5 has a message for you
It’s been viewed over 15,000 times already. We’d have to commit acts illegal in most southern states to get that kind of viewership. On the subject of energy legislation, there’s […]