Ask Umbra
Grist’s destination for advice on life during climate change. Est. 2002
Past Umbra
Umbra on driving versus flying, again
Dear Umbra, Your recent answer to the plane/train question prompts me to ask something that has always bothered me but that my little old brain can’t figure out on my […]
Umbra on sea-level rise
Dear Umbra, I’m a bit confused about the possible rise in sea level that may be caused by global warming. I know that in general water expands when warmed, and […]
Umbra on the impacts of biking
Dear Umbra, A couple of your recent columns have been about this novel idea of biking as the end-all in green transportation, but how green is biking, especially when you […]
Umbra on biking in a skirt
Dear Umbra, I was really energized by your column on cargo bicycles. I still own a car, but I drive it less and less, mostly to haul stuff and to […]
Umbra on plastic bottles and BPA
Dear Umbra, I’ve been hearing a lot in the news lately about the dangers of certain kinds of plastic bottles. What’s the lowdown? Thirstily, Ginger Littleton, Colo. Dearest Ginger, Always […]