Ask Umbra
Grist’s destination for advice on life during climate change. Est. 2002
Past Umbra
Ask Umbra knocks off Twinkies organically [VIDEO]
You’ve heard of knockoff purses, but have you ever heard of knockoff junk food? Michael Pollan’s book Food Rules encourages us to make our own junk food. Yep, eat all […]
Umbra’s top ten Climate Week moments
Harrison Ford’s new earring, origami rainforests, flash mobs, crackdowns, Survivaball-wear, and so much more! Umbra Fisk does NYC’s Climate Week. Don’t miss her 10 Best Moments from the Big Apple’s […]
Umbra on food-waste collection
Dear Umbra, Are any communities collecting food waste — potato peels, meat scraps, corn husks, etc. — for recycling? Is there a market for such material? Wendy S. Far Hills, […]
Umbra on unused fireplaces
Dear Umbra, We have a gas fireplace and a new baby girl, so we have decided to not use the fireplace this winter. What is the best way to keep […]
Umbra on deflecting eco-insults
Dear Umbra, Whenever I pick up a piece of trash a friend has thrown on the ground, or ask them where their recycling bins are, they call me a dirty […]