AC Propulsion announced delivery of their first eBox to Tom Hanks. Its a Scion xB with the engine replaced by a 35 kW lithium ion battery — delivering an impressive 150 mile range. And for $55k, they’ll upgrade your Scion, too.

And I had no idea Tom Hanks was such a regular guy. From the press release:

Just before he drove off, silently, in his new eBox, Hanks observed, “There are three electric cars sitting on the moon, and now another one in my garage. The eBox makes even more sense in Los Angeles than in the Taurus-Littrow Valley of the moon. I can drive all weekend, hauling dogs and helping my friends move, and the only reason I’ll need to stop at a gas station is for beef jerky and lottery tickets."

Tom Hanks: Trekkie and a fiend for beef jerky. And apparently the go-to guy in Hollywood when starlets can’t find anyone to help them move apartments over the weekend.