So say nearly 50 enviro, business, anti-nuclear, sustainable-energy, and energy-policy groups in response to Bush’s recent claim that nuclear power is “a renewable source of energy.”
Here, a letter these groups sent today to the Nuke Lobbyist in Chief:
January 26, 2005
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500Dear Mr. President:
In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, you were quoted as saying that nuclear power “is a renewable source of energy.”
Please be advised that nuclear power is not a renewable source of energy.
For that matter, oil, coal, and natural gas are also not renewable sources of energy.
Nuclear power and fossil fuels are environmentally polluting and non-renewable sources of energy.
The primary renewable sources of energy are biofuels, biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind.
(Cylvia Hayes, Executive Director)
<>Alliance for Affordable Energy
(Micah Walker Parkin)
<>Arizona Solar Center, Inc.
(Daniel Peter Aiello, Chair)
<>Arizona Solar Energy Association
(Chuck Skidmore)
<>Bob Lawrence & Associations
(Bob Lawrence, President)
<>Burlington Electric Department
(Mary Sullivan, Communications Coordinator)
<>Chesapeake Climate Action Network
(Mike Tidwell, Director)
<>Citizen Power
(David Hughes, Executive Director)
<>Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin
(Charlie Higley, Executive Director)
<>Clean Air Council
(Thurman Brendlinger)
<>Colorado Energy Group
(George Burmeister)
<>Colorado Renewable Energy Society
(Kimberly Peterson, Secretary)
<>Donald Aitken Associates
(Donald W. Aitken, Ph.D.)
<>EORenew (Eastern Oregon Renewable Energies Non-profit)
(Jennifer Barker)
<>Eco Living Fellowship, Inc.
(Dr. Michael Skelly, Sr., President)
<>Energy Innovation
(Steve Chadima)
<>Environmental Resources Trust
(Alden Hathaway – Director, EcoPower Programs)
<>Friends of the Earth
(Erich Pica)
<>Global Green U.S.A.
(Matt Petersen)
<>Global Possibilities
(Casey Coates Danson, President/Founder; Carolyn Ward, Managing Director)
(John Coequyt, Jim Riccio, Nuclear Policy Analyst)
<>, <>Hawaii Solar Energy Association (HSEA)
(Rick Reed, President)
<>Local Government Commission
(Judy Corbett)
<>Local 103 I.B.E.W.
(Martin E. Aikens, Business Agent)
<>Maine Solar Energy Association
(Richard Komp PhD. President)
<>Mainstay Energy
(Hoyt Hudson, CEO)
<>MD-DC-VA Solar Energy Industries Association
(Peter Lowenthal)
<>Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy
(J. Drake Hamilton, Science Policy Director)
<>North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association
(Richard/Lonna Harkrader)
<>Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships
(Susan E. Coakley, Executive Director)
<>Northwest Energy Coalition
(Nancy Hirsh)
<>Nuclear Information & Resource Service
(Michael Mariotte)
<>Quality Solar
(Claudia Wentworth)
<>Redwood Alliance
(Michael Welch)
<>Renewable Energy Long Island (RELI)
(Gordian Raacke)
<>RENEW Wisconsin
(Michael Vickerman, Executive Director)
<>San Luis Sustainability Group Architects
(Ken Haggard)
<>Solar Energy International (SEI)
(Johnny Weiss, Executive Director)
<>The Stella Group, Ltd.
(Scott Sklar, President)
(Rona Fried)
<>Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) Coalition
(Karen Hadden, Executive Director)
<>Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
(Beth Sachs)
<>Voices Opposed To Environmental Racism
(Donald Keesing)
<>The Vote Solar Initiative
(David Hochschild)
(Lisa Daniels, Executive Director)
<>Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation
(Janet Brandt, Executive Director)
<>Wisconsin Green Building Alliance
(Constance A. Lindholm, Executive Director)
<>Women in Sustainable Energy (WISE)
(Kimberly Peterson)