Here’s an interesting bit from a Q&A with Reid and Pelosi:

I have a couple questions about global warming. First, to Mr. Reid, does the Senate plan to follow Ms. Pelosi’s plan to create a new select committee? Will you actually create a new select committee? And then for both of you, I’m curious, you’ve talked about global warming and there are many solutions out there from a cap on carbon dioxide to renewables, energy efficiency. As you talk about legislation in July are you referring specifically to a cap on carbon dioxide bill or are you open some of these other ideas?

Sen. Harry Reid: Let’s see, day before yesterday, Wednesday, at 2:15, I went to the Ohio clock, that place in the Senate where we do our press events on the Senate side, and had all my chairmen with me. And it was a remarkably, I think, important press conference because each of my chairs stood and talked about what they’re going to do in their committees. Senator Inouye, for example in Commerce, said he’s going to move forward on CAFE standards. Senator Lieberman, Government Affairs, said he was going to make sure that the federal fleet, which is the largest in the world, 700,000 vehicles, not counting the military. We buy 60,000 vehicles a year. He’s going to work to make those green, those vehicles. And then, finally, Senator Boxer stood and said, “Thirty-nine percent of the greenhouse gases in America are produced by buildings.” The largest holder of real estate in America is the General Services administration. The buildings should be green. So we’re moving forward in a number of different fronts. And we feel very comfortable that we’re going to be able to work with the House, as we do on all issues. Speaker Pelosi told me about her task force and I think that’s a great idea. She’s got a lot more people to work with than I do. I only have 50, so we’re not going to have a select committee, but we’re going to work with her hand-in-hand in accomplishing a new direction for the environment in America.