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The Death of Frankenfood
Britain’s largest grocery store chain, Tesco, gave the boot to genetically modified foods yesterday, saying it would phase them out from its shelves. Two popular British food processors also pledged […]
Don't Put This in Your Pipe and Smoke It
Meanwhile, British researchers announced on Tuesday that they had genetically engineered tobacco plants to make them capable of removing explosives from soil. The plants, which can break down unstable ingredients […]
Scientists Poo Poo Chemical Threat in Water
U.S. water supplies are seriously threatened by microbes, warns a report from the American Society for Microbiology, but efforts to control water pollution have concentrated on chemical risks rather than […]
Fig Leaf Bill: Let's Hope It Wilts in the Heat
Senators opposed to the Kyoto climate change treaty introduced a bill yesterday that would forego mandates for cutting greenhouse gas emissions in favor of voluntary, market-based programs. Sponsored by Sens. […]
Village People Go on Tour
Women, men, and children from the remote Mexican village of Ejido Pino Gordo this month walked 36 hours to the Chihuahua state capital to stage a sit-in at the governor’s […]
Stinky Stuff Sows Selma Civil Split
In an unusual alliance, some Black Alabamans are being joined by their white neighbors in protesting a proposed garbage dump that would be within smelling distance of a stretch of […]
Greens Parachute from Hijacked Panel
All of the environmental, consumer, and public interest groups on a food safety panel advising the EPA resigned in protest yesterday, accusing the Clinton administration of letting pesticide and agribusiness […]
First Crack at the WIPP
A truck bearing 42 barrels of radioactive waste from the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory hit the road yesterday, the first shipment from outside New Mexico to head to […]
Take the Lead and Run
The Conservation Law Foundation is drawing flak for setting up a business arm that is pushing an additive to clean up gasoline in countries that haven’t yet banned lead, and […]