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  • Oil's Well in California

    A battle is brewing over oil drilling off the coast of California, and the controversy is likely to become an issue in the 2000 presidential race. Federal officials are expected […]

  • Supreme Court A-Noise Enviros

    The Supreme Court today refused to hear a case from environmental groups that want the feds to act more quickly to reduce noise in the Grand Canyon from sightseeing planes. […]

  • Royal Flushed over Frankenfoods

    Britain’s Prince Charles has bucked the royal tradition of political neutrality by loudly voicing his opposition to genetically modified crops, pitting him against Prime Minister Tony Blair. Charles, a committed […]

  • DDT-Free Willy

    Some killer whales in the Gulf of Alaska have dangerously high concentrations of DDT and PCBs in their blubber, according to a new scientific study. Scientists worry that several pods […]

  • Bonn Fire

    The Kyoto climate change treaty is running into real trouble over a European Union proposal to cap emissions trading. A new study of the European proposal by the Paris-based International […]

  • Cold Comfort

    A two-mile long ice core drilled out of an Antarctic ice sheet shows that levels of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane are higher now than at any time […]

  • Sara Patton, NW Energy Coalition

    Sara Patton is director of the NW Energy Coalition based in Seattle, Wash. Sunday, 6 Jun 1999 SEATTLE, Wash. I am home from several days in Portland, Ore., attempting to […]

  • A review of 'From the Redwood Forest' and 'Forest Blood'

    The recent high-profile deal to keep chainsaws out of the Headwaters grove of ancient redwood trees near Eureka, Calif., is unlikely to bring about a truce in the raging war over old-growth forest in the Pacific Northwest and northern California. Environmentalists continue to dig in their heels and repudiate all compromise (more than 90 percent of U.S. old-growth has already been lost, they say; no more can be sacrificed). Meanwhile, the timber industry flexes its mighty political muscle and logs on.


    Brazil’s government will send army, navy, and air force units into the Amazon rainforest this weekend to crack down on illegal logging. This aggressive campaign, which will last several weeks […]

  • Owe Canada

    A landmark salmon fishing pact announced yesterday between Canada and the U.S. will set fishing quotas based on the abundance of fish rather than fixed annual limits, likely reducing the […]