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Eagles Eye Recovery
The bald eagle has made such a striking comeback that the Clinton administration will propose around the Fourth of July that the national symbol be removed from the endangered species […]
If a Tree Falls in This Sound, There's Still a Forest
Native Canadian groups, environmentalists, and timber company MacMillan Bloedel signed a deal yesterday to end Canada’s most bitter forest fight. The agreement supports the use of selective, sustainable logging in […]
Shark Attack
The 1990s have seen a big rise in the popularity of shark fin meat, and fishers are capitalizing on the trend by catching tens of thousands of Pacific Ocean sharks, […]
Senate Gores World Bank
The Senate is moving to cut money for a World Bank environmental fund that promotes energy-saving, low-pollution projects in developing countries, a top priority of Vice Pres. Al Gore. The […]
Oh Goody, 17 More Months of Gore Puns
Al Gore officially kicked off his presidential campaign yesterday in Tennessee, making brief mention of the environment. “Some want to cut back on environmental protection and let polluters off the […]
Is the military about to blow its chance to protect southwestern desert land?
A bombshell exploded a few weeks ago in the midst of tangled negotiations over the fate of the 2.7 million-acre Barry M. Goldwater Bombing Range in the Sonoran Desert of […]
Maple Leaf's Rag
A Canadian company plans to sue the U.S. government under NAFTA, seeking $970 million in damages because California has banned MTBE, a methanol-based gasoline additive that is a key source […]
More Road Kill
More people are killed by pollution from cars in Austria, France, and Switzerland than by car crashes, according to a report released yesterday by the World Health Organization. Long-term exposure […]
Biotech Bugs Pesticide Makers
As more farmers plant crops genetically engineered to be bug-resistant, the market for insecticides and weed-killers is falling. Cotton farmers have cut the amount of insecticide they apply to their […]
Nuke Waste Solution: Do Nothing
Sen. Frank Murkowski (R-Alaska) today plans to introduce a bill taking on the volatile issue of how the feds should store thousands of tons of high-level nuclear waste from power […]