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Climate Change Campaign to Change Campaign Climate
The Sierra Club launched a campaign last week to make climate change a serious issue in the 2000 presidential race and to prod Pres. Clinton and other politicians to take […]
Gore to Mine Environmental Vote
Promising to “put protection of the environment at the center of my presidency,” Vice Pres. Al Gore said yesterday that he would spend $2 billion over 10 years to combat […]
Over Their Dead Bodies
Sometime this year, the dead bodies of three men who worked at a government uranium plant in Paducah, Ky., will be exhumed and tested for radiation from such deadly elements […]
A Bunch of Bull
A group of rural Nevadans crusading against federal protection for the bull trout compared their rebellion to the Boston Tea Party during a congressional field hearing held on Saturday in […]
This Gives "School Board" a New Meaning
A bill passed by the House this month that is intended to assure adequate funding for rural school districts may encourage more logging on public lands, say opponents. Under current […]
Antonio the Tiger Not Doing Grrreeeeeaaaat
The Iberian lynx, sometimes called “Europe’s tiger,” is the world’s most endangered wildcat and may go extinct within a decade unless serious efforts are made to protect its habitat, the […]
Give Some Loot, Go Ahead and Pollute
Texas Gov. George W. Bush’s (R) presidential run will likely be haunted by his state’s environmental problems, particularly Houston’s recently achieved status as the nation’s smoggiest city. To avoid losing […]
Get on the Bus
Enviros and other critics of the World Trade Organization are launching a $40,000 outdoor advertising blitz in Seattle to get people thinking about the negative consequences of trade liberalization, as […]
If At First You Don't Succeed, Buy Ad Time
Worried about mounting resistance to genetically modified (GM) foods, the giants of biotechnology are channeling tens of millions of dollars into massive lobbying and marketing campaigns to counter their critics. […]
Climate Change Driving Us Buggy
Public health experts warn that as climate change becomes more serious, humans are likely to be hit by an increasing number of health problems, ranging from heat strokes to infectious […]