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Hugo Isn't Boss
Venezuela’s Environment Ministry, hampered by corruption, understaffing, and inadequate funding, is doing little to stop plundering and degradation of the nation’s rainforests, coral reefs, rare wildlife, and other natural resources. […]
Refuge, Jeez!
The 521 national wildlife refuges in the U.S. are in sad shape, suffering from low funding, inadequate staffing, and poor leadership, according to a survey of 230 refuge managers released […]
A Bill of Goods?
Bill Bradley is continuing to put the heat on Vice Pres. Al Gore over offshore drilling, pressing it as an issue in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. On […]
How Delightful, How Insightful
Honda’s hybrid Insight hit California showrooms yesterday, becoming the first gasoline-electric hybrid car to go on sale in the U.S. The two-seater, which has a base price of $19,000, gets […]
Enviros Ruffle Ridge
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge (R) yesterday signed into law a $646 million program to help protect many thousands of acres of open space, preserve 1,500 farms, and improve state parks. […]
Drop the Chalupa, er, the Agua
Mexican and U.S. enviros are teaming up to pressure the U.S. government into allocating more water from the Colorado River to protect endangered species, a move that could spur new […]
Life Is Beautiful. Nukes Are Ugly.
Italy plans to spend nearly $3 billion over the next 20 years to dismantle and clean up its four nuclear power plants and create a repository for nuclear waste, the […]
That's Some Killer Pot
Nearly 11 percent of children in Tijuana, Mexico, have high lead levels in their blood, according to a three-year study by researchers from the University of California at Irvine. Most […]
Hungary for Some Boar
Croatia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia are embarking on an ambitious project to create a cross-border nature preserve of at least 250,000 acres at the confluence of the Danube and Drava rivers, […]
Who Ya Gonna Call? Trust Busters!
Monsanto was hit with a class-action lawsuit yesterday, brought by a coalition of small farmers and farm groups that accuse the company of rushing genetically modified seeds to the marketplace […]