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Car Trek: The Next Generation
This weekend General Motors will unveil its experimental Precept car, a diesel-electric hybrid that gets almost 80 miles to the gallon and is probably the most expensive single car ever […]
Hong Kong Phooey
Hong Kong businesses are starting to worry that the city’s abysmal air quality and pollution problems will hinder their ability to attract talented new employees. Hong Kong’s smog problems are […]
Stick This in Your Pipeline
U.S. taxpayer dollars are being spent to help finance a gas pipeline through a rare forest ecosystem in Bolivia, in violation of Clinton administration policies, enviro groups say. U.S. energy […]
More Pollution Than a Barrel of Monkeys
Trash from one household burned in a backyard barrel may release more dioxins, furans, and other chlorine-containing pollutants into the air than tons of trash burned by a municipal waste […]
Do Cry Over Spilt Oil
While large oil spills threaten sea birds off the coast of France and in a Turkish shipping channel this week, scientists are warning that even small oil spills may harm […]
Tehran Their Hair Out
Iran yesterday adopted a 10-year plan to tackle dismal air quality in its capital, Tehran, after weeks of nasty pollution problems that forced kids and elderly people to stay indoors […]
Merry Christmas, From an Angry Elf
The Earth Liberation Front has claimed responsibility for a Christmas Day fire that destroyed the Oregon regional headquarters of paper manufacturer Boise Cascade. In a communique sent to news agencies, […]
Krilling Me Softly
The hole in the ozone layer may be responsible for a dramatic decline in krill numbers in the Antarctic Ocean, according to U.S. and German scientists working on a Japanese […]
Consuming Desires
Consumer demand for organic food is soaring in Europe, leading to a jump in the number of organic farms from 6,300 in 1985 to more than 100,000 in 1998, according […]
Tanks for Nothing
Up to 170,000 sea birds have been killed by a large oil spill off France’s western coast, which began on Dec. 12 when a tanker hired by the oil giant […]