The Senate today effectively voted down Amendment 3132, which would have allowed oil and gas drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. “Effectively,” because the issue never actually came up for debate: The Democrats filibustered, and drilling advocates fell 14 votes short of the 60 needed to break the blocking tactic and force passage of the measure. All but five Democrats voted against oil drilling, while all but eight Republicans voted in favor. Below, you can see for yourself how your senators voted; a yea vote is in favor of ending the filibuster and, by extension, of drilling in the Arctic.

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Daniel Akaka (Hawaii)
John Breaux (La.)
Daniel Inouye (Hawaii)
Mary Landrieu (La.)
Zell Miller (Ga.)

Wayne Allard (Colo.)
George Allen (Va.)
Robert Bennett (Utah)
Christopher Bond (Mo.)
Sam Brownback (Kan.)
Jim Bunning (Ky.)
Conrad Burns (Mont.)
Ben Nighthorse Campbell (Colo.)
Thad Cochran (Miss.)
Larry Craig (Idaho)
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Pete Domenici (N.M.)
John Ensign (Nev.)
Mike Enzi (Wyo.)
William Frist (Tenn.)
Phil Gramm (Texas)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)

Judd Gregg (N.H.)
Charles Hagel (Neb.)
Orrin Hatch (Utah)
Jesse Helms (N.C.)
Tim Hutchinson (Ark.)
Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas)
James Inhofe (Okla.)
Jon Kyl (Ariz.)
Trent Lott (Miss.)
Richard Lugar (Ind.)
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
Frank Murkowski (Alaska)
Don Nickles (Okla.)
Pat Roberts (Kan.)
Rick Santorum (Pa.)
Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
Richard Shelby (Ala.)
Arlen Specter (Pa.)
Ted Stevens (Alaska)
Craig Thomas (Wyo.)
Fred Thompson (Tenn.)
Strom Thurmond (S.C.)
George Voinovich (Ohio)
John Warner (Va.)

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Max Baucus (Mont.)
Evan Bayh (Ind.)
Joseph Biden, Jr. (Del.)
Jeff Bingaman (N.M.)
Barbara Boxer (Calif.)
Robert Byrd (W.Va.)
Maria Cantwell (Wash.)
Jean Carnahan (Mo.)
Thomas Carper (Del.)
Max Cleland (Ga.)
Hillary Clinton (N.Y.)
Kent Conrad (N.D.)
Jon Corzine (N.J.)
Tom Daschle (S.D.)
Mark Dayton (Minn.)
Christopher Dodd (Conn.)
Byron Dorgan (N.D.)
Richard Durbin (Ill.)
John Edwards (N.C.)
Russell Feingold (Wis.)
Dianne Feinstein (Calif.)
Bob Graham (Fla.)
Tom Harkin (Iowa)
Ernest Hollings (S.C.)
Tim Johnson (S.D.)
Edward Kennedy (Mass.)
John Kerry (Mass.)
Herb Kohl (Wis.)
Patrick Leahy (Vt.)
Carl Levin (Mich.)
Joseph Lieberman (Conn.)
Blanche Lincoln (Ark.)
Barbara Mikulski (Md.)
Patty Murray (Wash.)
Bill Nelson (Fla.)
Ben Nelson (Neb.)
Jack Reed (R.I.)
Harry Reid (Nev.)
John Rockefeller IV (W.Va.)
Paul Sarbanes (Md.)
Charles Schumer (N.Y.)
Debbie Stabenow (Mich.)
Robert Torricelli (N.J.)
Paul Wellstone (Minn.)
Ron Wyden (Ore.)

James Jeffords (I-Vt.)

Lincoln Chafee (R.I.)
Susan Collins (Maine)
Mike DeWine (Ohio)
Peter Fitzgerald (Ill.)
John McCain (Ariz.)
Bob Smith (N.H.)
Gordon Smith (Ore.)
Olympia Snowe (Maine)