Three excellent new sites went up in the last few days, all related to the single biggest source of CO2 emissions in the world: power plants.

CARMA contains "the world’s most detailed and comprehensive information on carbon emissions resulting from the production of electricity." You can track power plants in any zip code or any part of the world, see how much CO2 they emit, and how they rank relative to other plants. Here are some tips to get you started using the site. Fascinating stuff.

The Sierra Club’s coal plant tracker "lists every new proposed coal-fired power plant in the U.S., where it is in the permitting process and how much global warming pollution it will emit." It also has info on who’s funding the plants.

Meanwhile, Appalachian Voices just started up My Connection to Mountaintop Removal Mining. You can enter your zip code and find out whether the electricity you get from your utility comes in part from coal gathered by blowing up mountains.

The internets are awesome.