The Atlantic Monthly is my favorite magazine — every month a thick, satisfying helping of high-minded policy-wonk goodness.  I read it cover to cover, which is the equivalent of a longish novella every month.

Anyhoo, one of many reasons to subscribe — or at least to subscribe to the website — is the writing of Corby Kummer.He writes about foodie issues, with an emphasis on organic, sustainable food and its march of progress into the nooks and crannies of our culture.  There’s this excellent look at organic yogurt, which doubles as a meditation on the effect of size on taste, quality, and marketing. There this story on wild ricereally wild rice, not packaged wild rice© — and the Native American tribe in North Dakota that’s growing it.  There’s this piece on sustainably raised pork, which made me crave the other white meat after years of disdaining it.  And then there’s this piece on Yale’s Sustainable Food Project, which attempts the daring feat of feeding college students good food — namely, food grown nearby, organically.

And there’s more.  For uniting a gourmet’s palette with an enviro’s concern for the earth.  I heart you, Corby Kummer.