Register to Vote

Get off your duff and register to vote! Think you’ve got this one in the bag? Better check twice. Have you moved since the last time you sallied poll-ward? Changed your name? Switched your party of choice? Are you darn near positive that all of your friends, family members, colleagues, and bowling partners are registered — er, well, at least the Earth-lovin’ ones? Take care of it all at, where you can register to vote in any of the 50 states or D.C., update your voter info, and send reminder emails to your pals.

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Meet the Candidates

Herewith, we present campaign info and a drippy environmental quote (hey, we’re not writin’ this stuff) from each of the declared major party candidates, plus links to some third- (and fourth- and fifth- …) party sites. Happy browsing!


Gen. Wesley Clark

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  • home state: Arkansas
  • campaign website:
  • campaign email:
  • League of Conservation Voters lifetime score: N/A
  • Read a Muckraker column about Clark’s environmental inclinations: Go, Wes, Young Man

    “[W]e must do more to protect our natural resources, enabling us to extend their economic value indefinitely through wise natural resource extraction policies that protect the beauty and diversity of our American ecosystems — our seacoasts, mountains, wetlands, rainforests, alpine meadows, original timberlands, and open prairies. We must balance carefully the short-term needs for commercial exploitation with longer-term respect for the natural gifts our country has received.”
    — from the Clark website


    Gov. Howard Dean

    Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

  • home state: Vermont
  • campaign website:
  • campaign email:
  • League of Conservation Voters lifetime score: N/A
  • Read a Grist interview with Dean: Rebel with a Cause?

    “I believe that there are few things we in public office can leave to our children and their children that are more important than the spectacular wilderness, clean waters, and beautiful forests that we now enjoy. One hundred years from now, long after my governorship has ended, Vermonters will continue to hike, camp, hunt, fish, and farm lands that will be forever pristine, because we protected hundreds of thousands of acres of land from development.”
    — from the Dean website


    Sen. John Edwards

  • home state: North Carolina
  • campaign website:
  • campaign email:
  • League of Conservation Voters lifetime score: 76 percent
  • “Unlike the Bush administration, Edwards believes that conservation is more than just a personal virtue. He supports environmental protection and energy conservation as a national commitment.”
    — from the Edwards website


    Rep. Dick Gephardt

  • home state: Missouri
  • campaign website:
  • campaign email:
  • League of Conservation Voters lifetime score: 66 percent
  • “I will form a partnership with government, auto companies, workers and environmentalists to put us on the path to energy independence.”
    — from the Gephardt website


    Sen. John Kerry

  • home state: Massachusetts
  • campaign website:
  • campaign email:
  • League of Conservation Voters lifetime score: 96 percent
  • Read a Grist interview with Kerry: Kerry’s Jubilee

    “Nowhere is there a greater need for a new vision — a better vision — than in the decisions we make that affect the health of the environment. We know intuitively that America is only as healthy as the water our children drink, the air they breathe, the yards and parks in which they play and laugh, and the communities in which they live.”
    — from the Kerry website


    Rep. Dennis Kucinich

  • home state: Ohio
  • campaign website:
  • campaign email:
  • League of Conservation Voters lifetime score: 90 percent
  • Read a Grist interview with Kucinich: Dennis the Menace

    “Clean air and water, as well as an intact ozone layer, are not luxuries, but necessities for our children’s future. A Kucinich administration will toughen environmental enforcement, support the Kyoto treaty on global climate change, reduce oil dependence, and spur investment in alternative energy sources, including hydrogen, solar, wind, and ocean.”
    — from the Kucinich website


    Sen. Joe Lieberman

  • home state: Connecticut
  • campaign website:
  • campaign email:
  • League of Conservation Voters lifetime score: 93 percent
  • Read a Grist interview with Lieberman: Meet Joe Green?

    “I will not pollute our environment or compromise our people’s health. I will not drill right off our precious coastlines. I will not compromise our air quality for short-term and short-sighted energy policies. I will not ignore or compound the growing problem of global warming. And I will not drill in the Arctic Refuge — not now, not ever.”
    — Joe Lieberman, May 7, 2003, as quoted on the Lieberman website


    Carol Moseley Braun

  • home state: Illinois
  • campaign website:
  • League of Conservation Voters lifetime score: 93 percent
  • “If we put real effort into environmental technologies, we can not only create new jobs, but whole new industries. These kinds of solutions represent the kind of creativity that throughout my life I have brought to bear.”
    — Carol Moseley Braun, Aug. 3, 2003, as quoted in an AP article


    Rev. Al Sharpton

  • home state: New York
  • campaign website:
  • campaign email:
  • League of Conservation Voters lifetime score: N/A
  • “[The Bush administration] can’t seem to find the people who are polluting the water and polluting the air. They can hear lawyers talking to clients in the middle of the night, but they can’t find people polluting in broad daylight. I will have an attorney general that will enforce the law.”
    — Al Sharpton, June 26, 2003, as quoted on the LCV website



    President George W. Bush

  • home state: Texas
  • campaign website:
  • campaign email:
  • League of Conservation Voters “report card” grade: F

    “When government and landowners and conservationists and others work together, we can make dramatic progress in preserving the beauty and the quality of our environment.”
    — from the Bush website


    Other Parties

    Top candidates from other political parties have yet to emerge, but you can tool around party websites for hints of what’s to come:

    Communist Party

    Green Party

    Labor Party

    Libertarian Party

    Natural Law Party

    Pansexual Peace Party

    Reform Party

    Socialist Party

    Don’t see anything that’s quite your cup of tea? Check out an exhaustive list of U.S. political parties.

    What the Polls Say

    Does Bush deserve another four years? Which Dem is pulling ahead of the pack this week? rounds up the latest political polls — more numbers than you can shake a stick at.

    The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press pumps out surveys galore.

    The Gallup Organization, the granddaddy of American polling groups, offers up some stats and trends.

    Cast your own real-time vote on matters political and otherwise, or even create your own poll, at

    Can’t decide which Dem is right for you? This handy quiz might just help you figure it out.

    Other Resources

    The League of Conservation Voters has news, campaign and candidate info, and a forum to take action on environmental issues relating to the election.

    Sign up to receive newsletters from your favorite candidate, read the latest news and non-partisan views, and take action to help with election resources for concerned citizens: is a site for those who just can’t get enough of presidential e-campaigns.

    Can a three-party system work in American politics? Stay informed on tri-partisan politics with the team at WatchBlog.

    Money can’t buy happiness, but can it buy a presidential election? Find out who is ahead in the fundraising race from the Center for Public Integrity.

    The AllPolitics section of is chockfull of up-to-the-minute news, analysis, and polling data.

    Stay abreast of the latest in the run for the 2004 presidency with a little help from C-Span.

    Everything you ever wanted to know about getting involved in elections, campaign finance, and how elections work is brought to you by the Federal Election Commission. More exciting than watching paint dry.