Even after reading about how CitizenRE is possibly a shady racket, I was still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, until I got a hilarious and random email that sounded like it came from a Nigerian scammer:

Dear Sir / Madam, Joe Citizen here, life member of NAFC

Now is that the North American Fishing Club or the National Association For Continence you’re with?

The reason I am writing is in regards to your campaign request for fund raising. As a member I believe in your cause and the cause of many other groups, and Associations that I am involved with, the problem is that everyone wants cash Donations for their cause.

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

Bears repeating!

I figure there had to be a way to come up with an idea, to help support groups With out going cash poor myself. So I hit the NET.

The NET. Heard of it …

Reviewing products, talking with people, from all categories, research, schools, churches, nature, medical, City and State officials, Global warming issues, ect. What product or service could help out all of these groups meet their campaign goals. And not tap out the consumers cash flow problems. Answer? Solar….
Through a Company called CitizensRe They offer a plan for Associations, Groups, or individuals, to join as Associates at .. NO Cost, Ever.. to them.

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

No cost? Now that’s, um, not entirely true.

Citizens offers Home owners a No Cost Solar System for their homes with,
No Panel cost No maintenance fees
No installation fees No permit hassles
Yet locks in their current utility rates for up to 25 years with out an increase, saving them thousands over the agreement terms. So their cost is a small security deposit on the system and last years monthly Average spent on their electricity bills. That’s it.

Ah, there it is. The huge security deposit that allegedly goes poof.

Your Group however would receive a bonus check upon installation and another after the 1st year. PLUS 5% of the monthly usage from each unit installed, for up to 25 years.

Using Renewable, Green Energy from the sun will help Save Trees, preserving our Forests, take emissions out of the air, Will be a Major step in reducing Global Warming.

This guy is a real capitalist. He Capitalizes Everything.

And REDUCES our Dependency on Foreign Oil …

Except that electricity doesn’t come from oil usually, so, um, no.

Everyone Wins, You, your Campaign, the Community, The World

Thank you, if you have questions contact me

Pass this along to your favorite organization

Gristmill, you’re it!