The nation’s mayors have thrown their weight behind Kyoto (and thereby thumbed their noses at Dubyah). At the U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in Chicago yesterday, municipal leaders unanimously endorsed a resolution calling on U.S. cities to meet or beat the protocol’s emissions-reduction targets. Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels spearheaded the resolution, as well as a more specific campaign that’s gotten 164 cities (so far) to commit to taking steps to protect the climate. Grist‘s Amanda Griscom Little tracked Nickels down amidst all the hubbub this morning for an interview, which we’ll publish later this week. Stay tuned.

As Eric pointed out yesterday, we’re at a tipping point on climate change (finally, jeez). Can Bush possibly hold out for another 3.5 years doing nothing on this issue? I’m betting he cannot.

Update [2005-6-20 10:34:49 by Lisa Hymas]: Check out Amanda’s interview with Nickels.