It’s hard enough to get reporters to write a story on the threats facing our oceans — but five? The L.A. Times did just that this week with its “Altered Oceans” series (also discussed by Kif here). And I’m not just talking about a couple hundred words buried on page seven; they brought out the big guns for this one. This series is a full multimedia package: videos, graphs, and enough photos to fill the national gallery of art.

While the bells and whistles are top-notch, it’s the content that makes this presentation blogworthy. I’d expect nothing less from Kenneth R. Weiss. He’s long been one of the leading writers on ocean issues.

When Ken describes the threats facing our oceans, he does so without the sensationalist hype that plagues many reporters. Instead, his journalism is fact- and science-based, hard hitting, and yet you don’t need a PhD in marine biology to get the point. In fact, it’s right there in the title. Our oceans are altered, and we must act now to restore them.