You gotta love 10-year-old Cole, who got into environmental activism after a second-grade school assignment (to "become an environmental activist" — who knew it was this easy? Just get to 'em early and tell 'em to do it). Cole found out that McDonalds was sourcing its paper packaging from endangered forests in his home state of North Carolina, and mobilized his classmates to do a postcard write-in campaign urging the conglomerate to move to recycled products for the sake of N.C.'s forests. Cole partnered up with forest-backing nonprofit the Dogwood Alliance, met with McD's top brass, and actually got them to institute a change in policy.
High on that success, Cole and his friends decided to take on KFC, which also gets its paper from a company willing to clear-cut endangered forests in the southern U.S. But it turns out the Colonel is a harder nut to crack than the clown. In this video, Cole, his friend Liam, and his sister travel to KFC's suspiciously plantation-like headquarters, armed with postcards and charged up with the righteous fury of kids who care about trees and animals, demand to meet with the people in charge, and cannot be moved until officials grant them … some $5 KFC vouchers. Which are probably printed on paper made from North Carolina trees. Thanks, Colonel, you dick.
But hey, the kids get some chicken on the house, and Cole's not giving up. "I might take it farther," he says. "I probably will try. Yeah, I think I will." Attaboy.
(FYI, the Dogwood Alliance has a petition to help put pressure on KFC.)