As of 2020, California will be getting fully one third of its energy from renewable sources. So says a bill passed yesterday by the state assembly. It's a "renewable portfolio standard" so aggro that it makes a WWE elbow drop to the throat look like a tiddlywinks match played by pink cloud-people in a straight-to-DVD Disney sequel.

"As a result of [this renewable portfolio standard] program, renewable energy generation in California in 2020 will be roughly equal to total current U.S. renewable generation," Peter Miller, a senior scientist at NRDC, told SFGate's Cameron Scott.

Critics of the renewable portfolio standard have contended that in the past, they've failed to spur utilities to acquire enough renewable energy, but for once that seems to not be the case. California utilities only missed their last target — 20 percent renewables by 2010 — by just over a year.