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Thirty-seven governorships are up for grabs this election — three-quarters of all governorships in the nation. The outcome of the races will have a huge impact on how states address energy and climate issues, as we’ve been reporting in our Gubernatorial Tutorial series. Below we list the winners (who get a red check mark) and the losers who’ve been announced so far. Check back soon for more results and green analysis. And weigh in yourself in the comments section below.

Grist State of Emergency | A limited-run newsletter from Grist, exploring the ways climate disasters are reshaping elections. Delivered every Tuesday until Election Day.

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[Update Tues 11:30 p.m. PDT: Big exciting news — a tie! Sort of! Democrats are getting trounced in the House and in governor races overall (losing all but 14 or so guv races). But you already knew that. In the 11 governor races that are especially competitive and consequential on the climate front — the 11 for which we did deep-dive profiles — things are tighter.

Dems have won three of those races (California, Massachusetts, and Colorado) and look strong in two others (Illinois and Minnesota). Republicans took five (Texas, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Tennessee). And Florida‘s a tossup. That puts things at 5 and 5 plus the Florida wild card.

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The biggest news is California, where Jerry Brown brings perhaps the beefiest green agenda in the country to the most populous state. (Joe Romm has more on Cali’s clean-energy trifecta of reelecting Brown and Sen. Barbara Boxer and smacking down the Big-Oil-backed Proposition 23.)

Rick Perry’s reelection in Texas is big too, because Texas is big. The state’s raging wind industry will keep growing; Perry has been supportive of wind, but don’t talk to him about a broader climate plan, high-speed rail investment, or non-sprawling forms of development — he’s not interested.

The biggest gubernatorial disappointment for climate hawks could be Ohio, where former Lehman Brothers executive/Fox News commentator/Gingrich-era House Republican John Kasich sailed into office with intentions to gut the state’s nascent cleantech investment and refuse federal passenger-rail dollars. Outgoing Gov. Ted Strickland tallied some decent green achievements; he might have tried running on them sooner.

High-speed rail hater Scott Walker (R) won Wisconsin, meaning the passenger line from Chicago to Minneapolis may need to find a creative route through, say, Ontario. Or not: Wisconsin and federal officials signed an agreement days before the election committing the state to the project, the Journal Sentinel reports.

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More coming up, including a look at what the election means for the nation’s three regional cap-and-trade systems.

[Update Weds 9 a.m. PDT: Florida goes Republican too. If incoming Gov. Rick Scott supports a solar industry in the Sunshine state, he hasn’t indicated it so far. Democrats are hanging on to Illinois and Minnesota.]


Ron Sparks (D)

Robert Bentley (R) — Bentley is a cautious climate denier.


Ethan Berkowitz (D)

Sean Parnell (R) — Parnell denies that climate change is a real threat to polar bears.


Terry Goddard (D)

Gov. Jan Brewer (R)


Gov. Mike Beebe (D)

Jim Keet (R)


Jerry Brown (D) — Read about Brown’s clean-energy agenda.

Meg Whitman (R) — Whitman accepts climate science, but wants to stop California’s climate law from coming into force.


John Hickenlooper (D) — Read a Grist interview with Hickenlooper.

Dan Maes (R)

Tom Tancredo (American Constitution Party)

Read about the Colorado race.


Dan Malloy (D) — Malloy has a strong climate plan and has been a leader in climate-friendly urban policy.

Tom Foley (R) — Foley doesn’t see the need for quick climate action.


Alex Sink (D)

Rick Scott (R) — Scott is a climate denier.

Read about the Florida race.


Roy Barnes (D)

Nathan Deal (R) — Deal is a climate conspiracy theorist.


Neil Abercrombie (D)

James ”
Duke” Aiona (R) — Alona is one of just two Republican climate hawks running for governor this year.


Keith Allred (D)

Gov. Butch Otter (R)


Gov. Pat Quinn (D)

Bill Brady (R) — Brady is a climate denier.

Read about the Illinois race.


Gov. Chet Culver (D)

Terry Branstad (R) — Branstad has no climate plan and backs a new coal-fired power plant and oil refinery.


Tom Holland (D)

Sam Brownback (R) — Brownback has in the past called for cutting CO2 emissions, but more recently embraced the Climategate controversy.


Libby Mitchell (D)

Paul LePage (R) — LePage made our list of climate deniers. In fact, he’s so nutty he got a second article devoted exclusively to him.

Eliot Cutler (I)


Martin O’Malley (D) — O’Malley is a climate hawk.

Bob Ehrlich (R) — Ehrlich has become increasingly skeptical of climate change.


Gov. Deval Patrick (D)

Charlie Baker (R) — Baker made our list of climate deniers.

Tim Cahill (I)

Read about the Massachusetts race.


Virg Bernero (D)

Rick Snyder (R)

Read about the Michigan race.


Mark Dayton (Democrat-Farmer-Labor)

Tom Emmer (R) — Emmer is a climate denier.

Tom Horner (Independence)

Read about the Minnesota race.


Mike Meister (D)

Gov. Dave Heineman (R)


Rory Reid (D)

Brian Sandoval (R)

New Hampshire

Gov. John Lynch (D)

John Stephen

New Mexico

Diane Denish (D)

Susana Martinez (R) — Martinez is a climate denier.

New York

Andrew Cuomo (D)

Carl Paladino (R) — Paladino is a climate denier.


Gov. Ted Strickland (D)

John Kasich (R)

Read about the Ohio race.


Jari Askins (D)

Mary Fallin (R) — Fallin has mocked the threat of climate change, and mocked her opponent for being childfree.


John Kitzhaber (D)

Chris Dudley (R) — Dudley is a cautious climate denier.


Dan Onorato (D)

Tom Corbett (R)

Rhode Island

Frank Caprio (D)

John Robitaille (R)

Lincoln Chafee (I)

South Carolina

Vincent Shaheen (D)

Nikki Haley (R)

South Dakota

Scott Heidepriem (D)

Dennis Daugaard (R) — Daugaard is a climate denier.


Mike McWherter (D)

Bill Haslam (R) — Haslam is an oilman, but he may be greener than he appears.


Bill White (D) — Read a Grist interview with White.

Gov. Rick Perry (R) — Read about Perry’s record on energy and climate change.


Peter Corroon (D)

Gov. Gary Herbert (R) — Herbert is a climate denier.


Peter Shumlin (D)

Brian Dubie (R) — Dubie is one of just two Republican climate hawks running for governor this year.


Tom Barrett (D)

Scott Walker (R)

Read about the Wisconsin race.


Leslie Petersen (D)

Matt Mead (R) — Mead is a climate denier.