1sky activists in South CarolinaPhotos of 1sky volunteers in South Carolina from their June 19 action day event. Find out how you can get involved with climate action groups.1sky.org via FlickrThis is an exciting week for environmental activist organizations. After all, they’re all about rounding up masses of grassroots supporters for just such an occasion as the expected House vote this Friday on historic climate change and energy legislation.

If you’re not tapped into the various climate action networks, Grist scanned a handful of activist groups’ websites and social media pages to pull together a list of what actions they are urging their members to take in the next 48 hours before the vote.

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If our list is lacking, please amend it in the comments.


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  • website/email/action alert: Fax Congress right now with one click and tell your rep to strengthen and pass H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act. | Link
  • via Facebook: Call & fax your rep. to urge support for strengthening & passing HR 2454 so it can be made even stronger in the Senate! | Link
  • via Twitter: Call & fax your rep. to urge support for strengthening & passing HR 2454 so it can be made even stronger in the Senate! | Link


  • via email/action alert: radio silence
  • via twitter: radio silence
  • via Facebook: radio silence

To be fair to 350.org, it’s working on an international day of climate action later this year.

Alliance for Climate Protection/Repower America

  • via Twitter: @RepowerAmerica: Join Al Gore for a conference call on next steps for #ACES, tomorrow at 8pm EDT | Link
  • via email/action alert: Let your Representative know that you want a cleaner and stronger economy today. Urge them to support the American Clean Energy and Security Act now. Call your Representative: 877-9-REPOWER (877-9-737-6937)
  • via Repower America website: Al Gore has a video message and phone system set up to connect you with your Representative to tell her or him: “Vote ‘yes’ on comprehensive clean energy legislation.” | Link

Campus Progress

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  • via email/action alert: “Tell Your Rep: Strengthen & Pass the Climate Bill” | Link
  • via rabble (and rebel?) rousing on blogs: “Get together a group of friends and show up at your representatives’ in-district office with signs calling for more (find out who your representative is here, find out where their office is located by going to their website)” | Link

Center for Biological Diversity

  • via email/action alert: We need your help right now to contact Congress with a simple, clear message: “The American Clean Energy and Security Act is not strong enough yet to fight the climate crisis – I urge you to support deeper, faster cuts in greenhouse gas pollution and keep the Clean Air Act in place.” If implemented, the bill would give us less than a 50/50 chance of avoiding catastrophic runaway global warming and devastating impacts to humans and other species. | Link
  • via Facebook: A link to above URL and “Please, use the quick link above to send a letter to your congressperson today. Urge them to support deeper, faster cuts in greenhouse gas pollution and keep the Clean Air Act strong.”

Energy Action Coalition/PowerShift

  • via action alert: These groups are co-hosting a rally in front of the Capitol on Friday, June 26th at 1:00pm, with lobbying to follow. | Link to RSVP
  • via website: Declare your Independence from Dirty Energy – Take Action, June 27th to July 4th. Join us in demanding that President Obama and Congress stand with us, not the polluters, and fight for a strong and clean energy economy. | Link
  • Host an event in your community or at your District office
  • Demonstrate political pressure with petition deliveries or a call-in day

Environment America

  • via website: Sign an online petition to Congress: “I support dramatic efforts to usher in a new clean energy economy and cut global warming pollution. Please support [the American Clean Energy and Security Act] and take every opportunity to strengthen it and deliver more clean energy for America.” | Link

Environmental Defense Fund

  • via action alert/website: Urging members to email their representative with the following message: “The House is about to vote on the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act, HR 2454. This historic bill will invest in America, create jobs, curb our global warming emissions, and free us from foreign oil. I strongly urge you to vote for the Waxman-Markey bill.” | Link
  • via Facebook: “FYI – The House is schedule to vote this Friday on Waxman-Markey, the most important climate bill of our lives. Take action today, and urge your Representative to vote YES! http://bit.ly/lyaXR Then, please share with your friends!”
  • Also posted URLs about why EDF is supporting ACES, what the key features of the bill are, and how to contact your representative in support of the bill
  • via Twitter: @EnvDefenseFund: $3,000 per year? Try $175 by 2020 and that’s without calculating the benefits! A new CBO assessment of #ACES – http://bit.ly/5I9ro


Focus the Nation

  • via email/action alert: “We’re asking you to call your Representatives today and tell them to strengthen and pass the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009.” | Link
  • via Facebook: They have a message ready for you and tailored to your Representative’s stance on the bill: “We’re asking you to call your Representatives today and tell them to strengthen and pass the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (HR 2454, “ACES”).” | Link

Green for All

  • via Twitter: “CALL CONGRESS NOW – Critical vote in 48 hours! http://tools.advomatic.com/27/aces Opportunity for All in the clean energy bill!”
  • via email/action alert: The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES) could begin America’s much-needed transition to a clean energy economy. But ACES falls short when it comes to creating accessible jobs and opportunity for our local communities. Ask your Representative to strengthen ACES by: Funding the Green Jobs Act! Ensure local access to quality
  • via Facebook: “Call Congress Now – Critical vote in 48 hours! — http://alturl.com/oqes — Include Opportunity for All in the clean energy bill!”
  • via YouTube: Short video touting Waxman-Markey as a path to more green jobs.

League of Conservation Voters

  • via Twitter: Thank you @BarackObama for supporting landmark climate legislation and the #American Clean Energy & Security Act – http://bit.ly/54rjQ #ACES
  • via website: Letter from LCV to Congress: “LCV urges you to vote YES on H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act…In light of the tremendous importance of this legislation, LCV has made the unprecedented decision that we will not endorse any member of the House of Representatives in the 2010 election cycle who votes against final passage of this historic bill.” | Link


  • via Twitter: @NRDC: RT @michaeloko Heading to press conference-rally on Capitol Hill to support clean energy and climate bill #ACES [If you’re there, tweet it!]
  • via email/action alert: Please do all you can to oppose any weakening measures, strengthen and help pass this critical bill. | Link
  • via Facebook page: Tune in to NRDC’s Switchboard blog for live coverage of the ACES bill rally on Capitol Hill STARTING NOW. Al Gore calls the ACES bill the “most important environmental vote of this generation.” Urge Congess to pass it! | Link

Oxfam America

  • via action alert: “Tell Congress: Support the world’s poor people; vote yes on climate bill” | Link


Sierra Club

  • via email/action alert: THE AMERICAN CLEAN ENERGY AND SECURITY ACT OF 2009 Let’s Defend, Improve, and Pass It! Don’t let Big Oil and Coal weaken the bill. Call your Representative today! | Link
  • via Twitter: @Sierra_Club: Come to a press conference TODAY AT 2 to urge members of the House to pass ACES. 2:00 pm at the House Triangle: http://bit.ly/dvWx0


  • via email/action alert: “Contact your representative and urge him or her to work to support and strengthen the American Clean Energy and Security Act.” | Link
  • via Facebook: We need your help to jumpstart America’s clean energy economy! Tell your member of Congress to vote YES on the American Clean Energy and Security Act. Click here
  • via Twitter: Tell Your Member of Congress to Vote YES on the American Clean Energy and Security Act. http://ow.ly/fENx #WWFUS #WWF #Climate